Friday, October 15, 2010

Article: The Body Shop

     I have recently read this article about tissue enginerring skin it is the first so called "neo-organ" it was now approved by the U.S. FDA, and and a bunch of other scientist all figured out something to help tissue grow and combined it all together. This article basically describes how they were able to grow cartilage, bone, custom-made hearts, livers, breast, corneas, kidneys, bone marrow and bladder. To produce biologically useful tissues like cartilage and heart valves, tissue engineers must also pay special attention to the physical environment in which cells grow. It had become aparent that cells needed a more sterile environment than a petri dish in which to grow. Dr. Gail Naughton designed a bioreactor in which cells were subjected to a constant, unidirectional flow of fluid that brought nutrients in and wastes out. This helped make the cells grow a lot better. NASA soon figured out that cartilage or skin grow better under forces, and cells destined to to be part ofa three dimensional structure perform better in microgravity.
     Scientist that have made this possible to create all of these body parts is great for us. It can help out many people that are close to dieing because they need a heart, liver , kidneys, exc. It also can help cancer instead of having the one you have they can make one for u and eliminate your cancer. I think it was a great idea to come up with a way to create these things. It is going to help many people in the future.

If you would are interested and want to read more in detail about the article her is the website

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